ペンシルバニア大学 Center for Bioethics では、定期的にゲストスピーカーが講演をしてくださいます。それらは講義の一部であったりもします。もし興味おありでしたら、こちらで録音したものを聴くことができます。 以下の講義を聴くことができます。(2010年2月現在)
Challenges of Mental Health Law Reform: The Virginia Experience (Richard Bonnie, JD)
Health and Social Justice (Jennifer Prah Ruger, PhD, M.Sc. )
The State of the Enhancement Debate (Professor Nick Bostrom)
Rethinking Care for Persons with Disorders of Sex Development (Katrina Karkazis, PhD, MPH)
Public Health and National Security (The Honorable Tom Ridge)
The Emerging Challenge of Bio-Policy (Nigel M. De S. Cameron, Ph.D.)
Bioethics today: What's old but unresolved, what's new? (Ruth Macklin, Ph.D.)
Why do patients volunteer for risky research studies? Rethinking informed consent, again.(Scott Kim, M.D., Ph.D.)
My brother's keeper: Fundamental Jewish underpinnings affecting research on humans.(Rabbi Elliot Dorff)
Against infanticide: Pediatric ethics and the Groningen protocol(Eric Kodish, M.D.)
From lab to village: Life science and the developing world. (Peter Singer, M.D.)
The Personal Is Philosophical Is Political: A Philosopher/Mother of a Cognitively Disabled Adult Sends Notes from the Battlefield(Eva Kittay, Ph.D.)
The woman in the pregnant body: Image and metaphor in obstetrics(Elizabeth Armstrong, Ph.D.)
Bioethics and politics(Yuval Levin, Ph.D.)
Intimate Assistance: Re-Thinking Abortion in Law and Morality(Maggie Little, Ph.D.)
The Opposite of Human Enhancement: Nanotechnology and the Blind Chicken Problem(Paul B. Thompson, Ph.D.)
Clinical Judgment and the Ethics of Medicine(Kathryn Montgomery, Ph.D.)
Obsession: Can a Disease Have a Biography?(Lennard J. Davis, Ph.D.)
Ethics and the science of animal minds(Colin Allen, Ph.D.)
Ethics and evidence-based disaster medicine(Griffin Trotter, M.D., Ph.D.)
FDA and the drug approval process: Can this ship be righted?(Arnold I. Friede)
Stem cell research: Are we ready for clinical trials?(David Magnus, Ph.D.)
Reflections on the future of bioethics(Ruth Faden, Ph.D.)
Human experiments and national security(Jonathan Moreno, Ph.D.)
First world health care at third world prices: Bioethics, globalization, and the emergence of medical tourism(Leigh Turner, Ph.D.)
How the success and failure of prenatal care changed the way we think about pregnancy(John Lantos, M.D.)
Pharmaceutical testing and evidence making: An ethnography of the globalized clinical trial(Adriana Petryna, Ph.D.)
Drop that candy bar: Ethics and the conversion of diabetes to an 'epidemic' in New York City(Glenn McGee, Ph.D.)
Terri Schiavo: Anomaly or harbinger?(Timothy Quill, M.D.)