ペンシルバニア大学 Center for Bioethics では、定期的にゲストスピーカーが講演をしてくださいます。それらは講義の一部であったりもします。もし興味おありでしたら、こちらで録音したものを聴くことができます。
- Challenges of Mental Health Law Reform: The Virginia Experience (Richard Bonnie, JD)
- Health and Social Justice (Jennifer Prah Ruger, PhD, M.Sc. )
- The State of the Enhancement Debate (Professor Nick Bostrom)
- Rethinking Care for Persons with Disorders of Sex Development (Katrina Karkazis, PhD, MPH)
- Public Health and National Security (The Honorable Tom Ridge)
- The Emerging Challenge of Bio-Policy (Nigel M. De S. Cameron, Ph.D.)
- Bioethics today: What's old but unresolved, what's new? (Ruth Macklin, Ph.D.)
- Why do patients volunteer for risky research studies? Rethinking informed consent, again.(Scott Kim, M.D., Ph.D.)
- My brother's keeper: Fundamental Jewish underpinnings affecting research on humans.(Rabbi Elliot Dorff)
- Against infanticide: Pediatric ethics and the Groningen protocol(Eric Kodish, M.D.)
- From lab to village: Life science and the developing world. (Peter Singer, M.D.)
- The Personal Is Philosophical Is Political: A Philosopher/Mother of a Cognitively Disabled Adult Sends Notes from the Battlefield(Eva Kittay, Ph.D.)
- The woman in the pregnant body: Image and metaphor in obstetrics(Elizabeth Armstrong, Ph.D.)
- Bioethics and politics(Yuval Levin, Ph.D.)
- Intimate Assistance: Re-Thinking Abortion in Law and Morality(Maggie Little, Ph.D.)
- The Opposite of Human Enhancement: Nanotechnology and the Blind Chicken Problem(Paul B. Thompson, Ph.D.)
- Clinical Judgment and the Ethics of Medicine(Kathryn Montgomery, Ph.D.)
- Obsession: Can a Disease Have a Biography?(Lennard J. Davis, Ph.D.)
- Ethics and the science of animal minds(Colin Allen, Ph.D.)
- Ethics and evidence-based disaster medicine(Griffin Trotter, M.D., Ph.D.)
- FDA and the drug approval process: Can this ship be righted?(Arnold I. Friede)
- Stem cell research: Are we ready for clinical trials?(David Magnus, Ph.D.)
- Reflections on the future of bioethics(Ruth Faden, Ph.D.)
- Human experiments and national security(Jonathan Moreno, Ph.D.)
- First world health care at third world prices: Bioethics, globalization, and the emergence of medical tourism(Leigh Turner, Ph.D.)
- How the success and failure of prenatal care changed the way we think about pregnancy(John Lantos, M.D.)
- Pharmaceutical testing and evidence making: An ethnography of the globalized clinical trial(Adriana Petryna, Ph.D.)
- Drop that candy bar: Ethics and the conversion of diabetes to an 'epidemic' in New York City(Glenn McGee, Ph.D.)
- Terri Schiavo: Anomaly or harbinger?(Timothy Quill, M.D.)